We came to China to leave with opportunities, can you help us?
Business interests in China:
1.We would like to establish partnerships and cooperation with companies working in China, which develop new innovative design products. We would like to meet with manufacturers of Chinese brand names, also with design studios and design companies.
2.We are also interested in eco-design, models of sustainable social development with the help of design, and also in participation in large scale urban and regional development projects.
3.Also, we have a strong group of design experts specializing in luxurious design, so meeting with companies that develop new luxurious design products is also our goal. We wish to offer our product development services to Chinese market.
Business opportunities offered in Europe:
1.Supporting Chinese design industry representatives to find their way to European and especially Lithuanian design field. We would warmly welcome such representatives in Lithuania for experience, knowledge and cultural sharing, which we hope would result in long-lasting partnerships.
Talk to:
Tautvydas Kaltenis, Aivaras Zilvinskas, Ruta Valusyte, Mindaugas Kiznis, Edita Jankauskiene, Indre Viltrakyte
Collaboration with hi-tech producers, R&D providers and commercialization offices;
1.Establish partnerships with local universities and hi-tech companies in China in order to perform joint projects and exchange staff;
2.Looking for possibilities to find customers for our custom laser based micro fabrication systems and software;
3.Looking for customers for our services of multi photon polymerization products: micro-optics, scaffolds for tissue engineering, micro fluidics and micro mechanics;
Business opportunities offered in Europe :
1.Finding partnerships for distribution in Europe of laser application related products.
Talk to:
Vidmantas Sakalys, Danielius Stasiulis, Eitautas Bartuskevicius, Saulius Martinenas, Arnas Stuopelis, Antanas Jankauskas, Audrys Leimontas
Producers of hi-tech consumer electronics, green energy solutions, “smart-home” technologies;
Cooperation with trade organizations working with Europe;
High quality, ecological food products for infants and children;
Talk to:
Nerijus Dominas, Darius Koklevicius, Eitautas Bartuskevicius, Saulius Martinenas, Danielius Stasiulis, Audrys Leimontas
Partnerships with professional services organizations in the areas of investment management, business consulting, management training and export consulting;
Clients for consulting and training services for management and government institutions in the following areas: strategy, operations, team management, R&D and innovation and entrepreneurship support schemes;
Talk to:
Eitautas Bartuskevicius, Saulius Martinenas, Danielius Stasiulis, Vidmantas Sakalys, Mindaugas Kiznis
Business interests in China:
1.Establish trade partnerships with local businesses – wholesale, retail, consignment.
2.Assess China’s fashion market demands and our brand’s appeal to this region.
3.Initiate a closer collaboration between Europe’s and Asia’s designers and industry professionals.
4.Find partnerships in China for mutual growth: fabric sourcing, manufacturing, leather tanning, participation in trade shows.
Business opportunities offered in Europe:
1.Offering collaborations and partnerships in European Union in one of the most profitable markets: fashion & luxury products. Trading, exchanging know-how, introducing Chinese products to new markets and growing the industry together.
Talk to:
Indre Viltrakyte, Edita Jankauskiene
Companies willing to expand their operations to Europe: selling products, opening offices or investing in Europe. We offer advice and implementation support as well as joint projects.
Investment opportunities into traditional sectors: real estate, tourism, manufacturing, pan-EU logistics operations;
Talk to: